There are so many foods that have incredible health benefits, but arguably one of the most overlooked is almonds!
These seemingly inconsequential little nuts can actually create dramatic improvements to your overall health because of their important nutritional qualities!
You may be looking to improve your health for a variety of reasons, and whatever your reasoning, finding ways to do that can be hard. Everyone’s needs are different, so what works for some people may not work for you, but that doesn’t mean you are helpless! Almonds and their health benefits might be perfect for you in your health journey, so let’s go over the reasons why!

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1. Loaded with Antioxidants
Almonds are packed with tons of nutritional value! In fact, according to Medical News Today, a handful of almonds contain at least one-eighth of any given person’s daily protein! One of the many antioxidants in almonds is vitamin E, an essential part of the nutritional diet that stops the oxidation process known to cause the clogging of arteries by increasing levels of cholesterol. Eating almonds increases the amount of vitamin E in blood plasma and red blood cells, helping to regulate healthy circulation processes!

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2. Aid in Controlling Blood Sugar
Alongside preventing clogged arteries, almonds are also helpful in maintaining regular blood sugar levels, an important quality for those that suffer from issues related to diabetes. A study from 2011 reveals that the consumption of almonds, specifically in amounts of about 2 ounces or 45 almonds, was directly correlated to lowered levels of “fasting insulin and fasting glucose.” Essentially, almonds account for a reduction of glucose, or blood sugar, and insulin after meals! Another study on the nutritional value of almonds concluded that people with prediabetes were found to have increased insulin-sensitivity when eating almonds regularly!

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3. Effective for Weight-Loss
Everyone is looking for that magic ingredient that will make weight-loss an easy and achievable dream. Though there is no end-all-be-all when it comes to finding the right way to lose weight because everyone has different health needs, almonds are definitely helpful for many people struggling with weight-loss! Because almonds are full of nutritional value, the vitamins, minerals, and other characteristics of almonds justify the associated calories. Researchers have also suggested that calories should be viewed as something to avoid entirely with weight-loss strategies, especially when people known to have almond-rich diets proved more successful in their weight-loss journeys than those abiding by a high-carb diet with the same number of calories. Understanding the benefits of foods like almonds, it’s important to understand how some calories are way better for physical health than others, and almonds, with their numerous health properties, are able to supplement that claim!

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4. Help in Lowering Cholesterol
As mentioned before, the ability for almonds to lower and regulate cholesterol levels has been observed to be a result of possessing vitamin E. This is not the only characteristic that plays a part in how almonds interact with cholesterol levels, however, and researchers continue to learn new things about how the human body interacts with food all the time! By examining a wide variety of participants, all with differing cholesterol levels, consuming almonds was found to lower LDL cholesterol levels (low-density lipoproteins often referred to as the “bad” cholesterol because higher levels lead to clogged arteries) and higher levels of HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoproteins regarded as the “good” cholesterol because higher levels lead to better circulation of cholesterol and removing it from the body). Some of the nutritional components that researchers believe attribute to this result are fiber, flavonoids, and unsaturated fats that possess the necessary properties to encourage healthier heart systems.
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5. Decrease High Blood Pressure
A healthy heart is a happy heart, as they say. But keeping your heart happy isn’t always easy when it comes to finding the right diet for you to still have a healthy relationship with food. One of the many health properties in almonds is the ability for almonds to lower blood pressure, a circulatory issue that can cause numerous problems like headaches, difficulty breathing, pain, dizziness, and more. Unfortunately, hypertension has been attributed to one of the world’s leading causes of mortality in 2016 and is sometimes hard to identify, leading to many people not receiving effective treatment. Incorporating certain foods and activities into your lifestyle can help to prevent things like hypertension from escalating, and because of that, it’s important to acknowledge the things that can help! Almonds have been found to reduce inflammatory responses and have a significant effect on the body’s circulatory systems, which may help to improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure as well! Almonds can be added to most people’s diets alongside other nutritional foods and physical activities to prevent and reduce heart risks such as hypertension!

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6. Massive Amounts of Nutrients
As we’ve discussed, almonds account for an incredible amount of nutritional value for the average diet. With properties such as healthy fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, and protein, almonds can help to supplement a range of nutritional needs in a variety of people! These seeds are especially beneficial to people that adhere to a plant-based diet as a source of a non-dairy milk alternative with significant protein, but vegans and vegetarians are not the only people that can reap the benefits of almonds! The antioxidants in almonds help to reduce the effects of inflammation, aging, and potentially provide aid in the prevention of certain cancers, benefits that can apply to most people, and the high amounts of protein and fiber help people trying to lose weight feel more full without having increased negative health effects like many other foods eaten in large quantities!
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How Can I Add More Almonds to My Diet?
There are so many ways that you can include almonds in planning your meals! They are an incredibly versatile food that can be prepared in a number of ways to suit whatever taste your craving.
Want a comforting, earthy taste to help you feel healthy and natural? Raw or roasted almonds are a perfect choice! What about those cravings for a late-night snack to satiate that sweet-tooth without having to feel guilty? Candied almonds like this recipe by The Chunky Chef are a great alternative to traditional sweets! Maybe you’re looking for something with a bit of a kick, why not try this spiced almond recipe by Food Network?
But there are other ways to use almonds, too, besides just variations of roasted nuts! Almond butter is a highly nutritional and delicious, creamy, and simple spread with a ton of benefits, and with this recipe by Cookie and Kate, you can make it easily in the comfort of your own home! There is always the option of opting for almond milk rather than regular dairy as well, to add some variety to your diet while prioritizing your health! Almond milk can be added to your grocery list or you can DIY with only a few basic ingredients with this recipe by Detoxinista!
With these 6 facts about the nutritional value of almonds, it’s no secret that you should be eating more almonds and reaping these health benefits (provided you do not suffer from a nut-allergy, in that case, check out our other educational blogs where we post tons of information and ways to better your health without putting your health in jeopardy).
We hope you enjoy this list of 6 reasons you should be eating more almonds to help you lead a healthy lifestyle. If you tried any of the recipes we provided, make sure to let us know! For more recipes, follow us on social media and make sure to check out our weekly blog posts where we share our new favorite recipes and must-know facts about food and living a healthy lifestyle! Check out the other meal options Mealfit provides such as our Weekly Specials, Individual Meals, and other Meals by the Pound.
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